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Religion 3.0

Religion seems to be some outer commodity one can acquire.

Yet it is not.

Religion is taken away and used for most unbelievable goals, unwanted, unasked, unsuited.

Religion is no one's, yet anyone's.

Religion is that wonder going on 

inside you

inside me

through other and by thee

Religion is the liquid gold

The fuel for unborn, young and old

Unpossessed by none

Waiting in the hallway for that one

Who dares not to know

Religions are many

All formula's most savvy

Though humanity

Is in need of 1

New refreshing frame

Providing oxygen for all who came

To this era of rejuvenation

of mankind

A divine design

For all to dive in and reconcile



Investigate with vigour 

And see for yourselves.

The Plan of Bahá

for this Age

for this time

For this humanity, heroic and ready for conscious choices to be no longer delayed. 

Here to stay.


Embark upon it and join in accord all the souls.

- touch to be touched -
The one who takes a leap of faith will lose her grip....
The one who doesn't jump at all, will lose her inner self.


...Welcome to profound sharings...
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